Consensus Mechanism

The Winner Block ecosystem entrusts certain operational decisions to a consensus mechanism.

This consensus group consists of a dynamic number of members elected by token holders and the founder, who maintains a permanent seat.

For a decision to be valid, it must be voted on by at least half of the current members of the consensus. Each member of the consensus has only one vote.

Decisions are passed if they receive majority support. If a proposal fails to achieve majority support, it is rejected.

The consensus group's authority spans across various domains critical to the ecosystem's operation:

  1. Liquidity Management: The consensus has the right to manage liquidity. This involves deciding when to add or remove liquidity to the pool and how much should be added or removed. This power ensures that the ecosystem's liquidity remains healthy and sufficient to accommodate token swaps. This will also make it possible to move crypto assets in the event of an upgrade to a new smart contract or ecosystem.

  2. Emergency Actions: The consensus can propose and enact emergency actions in the event of a crisis. This can include temporarily pausing all token transfers, implementing security measures, or deploying emergency funds.

  3. Proposal Review: The consensus has the authority to review, approve or reject some proposals submitted by community members before these proposals go to a public vote. This responsibility ensures the feasibility and alignment of proposals with the ecosystem's principles.

Moreover, to ensure uninterrupted operation, the consensus group has a redundancy protocol. If one or more members of the consensus group become inactive or unable to perform their duties for two votes, they are removed from the consensus. Token holders then have the opportunity to vote for new members.

All consensus members except the founder's seat can be removed at once if at least 40% of the total supply of WBlock tokens has been used during an Emergency Consensus Reset vote. The proposal is accepted once there is more than 80% support and the required amount of tokens.

If there are no more members other than the founder in the consensus, then holders can propose a Consensus Seats proposal without prior consensus review. Until new members are added, the consensus no longer requires a minimum number of members to make new proposals, and the sole founder member have the powers of the consensus.

This protocol ensures continuity in decision-making processes and the smooth operation of the ecosystem. The consensus group's actions are thus instrumental in maintaining the ecosystem's integrity, responsiveness, and alignment with community interests. They are the stewards of the ecosystem, acting with transparency, responsibility, and in line with the community's values and best interests.

Last updated